G'Day and Welcome!
This site represents the personal ancestry of
Jim and Lois Carney, who were born in
California and Michigan, USA. Jim made
his first family tree in 1965 at age 10 and
interviewed cousins, grandparents and parents
some 58 years ago. This passion for 'who
we came from' went from bibles to charts to
computers, wall dioramas with ancestry charts
covering 20 feet of wall. Now days, we
have computer programs and websites to keep it
all in order for the 32,000 people in our
Since then, we have traveled the globe from
Europe to the Middle East, from Africa to
India, from Asia to Australia and South
America and of course, all over North America.
We have continued the desire to discover new
lands and we have headed "west", and are now
living in Pelican Waters, Queensland,
Australia after migrating to Australia in
1984. We still travel quite a bit and
run several businesses, but our love will
always be when we were running our avocado
orchards - which have all been sold now.
Jim's ancestry is documented back through
1,000's of years and if our ancestry paths and
yours should cross, please let me know so we
can exchange information. Like many who
research genealogy, Lois' ancestry is limited
to a shorter time frame with stubborn
My 58 years of research work represents 10's
of thousands of hours of personal research and
a compilation of evidence uncovered which
point to the most likely consensus of opinion
and facts which strongly indicate the family
genealogy presented. Our pasts contain the
good, the bad and the unusual. From common,
hardworking and family orientated individuals
of little or great renown and heroic in many
ways - to evil and mischievous connivers who
killed parents, brothers, sisters and any one
else in their way - to jockey for Royal
position, or passion, revenge or wealth.
With over 700 direct ancestors requiring
several hours of work to validate each person,
and then thousands of cousins, there are many,
many stories to tell and lessons to be
learned, both historically and personally. I
have traveled the world and walked on the same
ground as many of my ancestors from the U.S.,
Ireland, Germany, Scotland, France, Italy and
much, much more. Talking to genealogy
centres, relatives far flung, and searching
public records, newspapers and historical
briefs to give the best picture I can make